Trust In God
How does trusting in God improve our health? For many, this question seems silly and maybe even obvious. For others, it is a legitimate question when God is not exactly a priority in their lives. Many may think that the things they have and the accolades they have achieved were earned by hard work, self-discipline, and personal merit. The truth is most people credit their accomplishments to their own works and achievements. How sad that this would be the case. If God would take this personally as an insult and take away His blessings, this entire planet would cease to exist. But He continues to bless mankind regardless of our rebellious attitude towards Him. The sun continues to shine, the rain continues to fall, crops continue to yield their harvest, and we all continue to breathe the air He has given us. As our hearts continue to beat and our blood continues to flow through our veins and our lungs continue to get flushed with life-giving oxygen, we mindlessly go about our lives not giving a second thought over what sustains everything. We live as though tomorrow will continue as always until tomorrow becomes yesterday and the endless cycle is unstoppable. But here is a news flash. Every breath, every heartbeat, sunrise and sunset, every second in the timeline of universal existence is a gift from God. Does acknowledging God have an impact on our health?
Consider the fifth Commandment in Exodus 20:12.
“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”
We will live long lives by honoring our earthly parents. How about honoring our heavenly Father? If we live a longer life by honoring earthly parents, wouldn’t a greater impact apply by honoring our heavenly Father, our creator? Our Faith in God is paramount. He supplies all our needs daily. He is so consistent and dependable in supplying all our needs that we take it for granted and we do not even attribute all our supplied needs to Him.
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33, NLT
“Commit everything you do to the LORD. Trust him, and he will help you.” Psalm 37:5, NLT
Do you want to have excellent health? Trust in God and He will supply all your needs.