We cannot achieve optimum health without plenty of water. Our bodies need water to function. God created this body, and it is made up mostly of water. This body was created from planetary material. This planet is called Earth. We are made from the same substance as this planet. So, in many ways, we resemble this earth because we came from it. How do we resemble this planet? The surface of this planet is made up of about three-quarters of water. Our bodies also are made up of about three-quarters of water. The same ratio. In the beginning, when God began to prepare this planet for human habitation, this planet was a sphere of water. The solid land mass was submerged within. Before we were given birth, our little bodies were inside a sack filled with water. We lived in a water world. It is no coincidence that there are similarities between us and the planet we were made from. It is no wonder that water plays such an important role in our existence. Understanding how critical water is in our life, in general, is an important first step in acknowledging its crucial relevance.
Water is one of the best health drinks we can ever enjoy above and beyond any other drink. Water is healthier for our bodies than any juice, soft drink, or other beverage. Fruit juices may be delicious, but they are packed full of fructose in high concentrations. It is better to eat one or two oranges rather than drink an 8-ounce glass of orange juice. A typical orange may yield about 2 ounces of juice. So, an average glass of orange juice would be equal to the yield of 4 oranges without the fiber. Juicing fruits is not the healthiest thing to do. It removes the fiber and roughage, and it gives us only sugary juice in very high concentrations. It is better to blend the fruit rather than to juice it. That way nothing is wasted, and we get the full benefit of the fruit as God designed it. It is best to avoid all kinds of fruit juices and simply drink water.
Filtered water is highly recommended. Bottled water is highly questionable because most of them are nothing more than filtered tap water. Why pay for what we can do ourselves for free? Let's invest in an under-the-sink water filtration system and drink all the water we want. Let's fill our own bottle of water and take it with us and sip on it as we go along with our day.
The best time to gulp down a belly full of water is on an empty stomach. Early in the morning as soon as we get out of bed, we should drink two to three glasses of water about an hour or so before breakfast. We are to give our bodies enough time to absorb the water before we have our meal. Doing this first thing in the morning helps rehydrate the body after six to eight hours of sleep with no water consumption. It also helps regulate the lower bowels giving them a jump-start after a long period of inactivity. The brain is re-hydrated, which gives us a higher level of alertness. It gives our immune system an early morning boost and rids the body of excess toxins. It also jump-starts our metabolism as all our bodily functions crank into gear.
We should sip water throughout the day. Our bodies lose water by way of breathing, the pores of the skin, and urination. So, let's keep drinking even though we are not thirsty. Thirst is a sign of dehydration so let's not wait to feel thirsty in order to drink water. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before bedtime. During sleep, the body goes through a cycle in which healing and repair take place. This is a critical bodily function that restores the body to healthy levels. Drinking water before bedtime hydrates the brain so that nocturnal bodily functions run smoothly. Hydrating the brain also promotes deeper sleep during the night.
Water plays many important roles in our bodies. Water hydrates our bodies so that it performs optimally by eliminating waste and delivering essential nutrients throughout all the cells of the body. It contains electrolytic minerals allowing the body to send electrical signals back and forth throughout the body, maintaining a constant communication system by monitoring the condition of each cell and whether there are any dangers present in order to trigger an appropriate response. There are many things in our bodies in which water plays a very important role.
The blood contains more than 90 percent water. It carries the blood cells to all parts of the body. It extracts wastes from the body and carries them to disposal stations. Because of this, it is necessary to replenish this water regularly. Blood needs this water to transport oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body. Water lowers blood pressure by diluting the blood and making it run through the veins and capillaries more efficiently. Lack of water thickens the blood, raising blood pressure levels. So it is imperative to drink plenty of water. Water detoxifies the blood by transporting toxins to the kidneys and eliminating them in the form of urine.
Water is crucial in digestion. It aids in the exchange of food nutrients into the bloodstream, which in turn feeds the cells of the body. It is not necessary to drink water with our food. This water must first be absorbed before digestion begins. It is recommended to drink a good amount of water an hour or so before a meal so that this water is available when digestion begins. Digestion begins with a stomach full of hydrochloric acid and digestive enzymes to break down the food contents after a meal. Hydrochloric Acid is produced by parietal cells along the stomach walls. It is a strong acid that can burn right through the stomach lining if it were not protected by a layer of thick mucus. This mucus also contains bicarbonates that will neutralize the acid if it makes contact with the stomach lining. These acids and enzymes contain just the right ratio of water in their chemical compound. The strength of these digestive juices is dependent on how diluted these acids are. If there is too much water present when drinking water with the meal, it slows down digestion because the food will not properly break down when the hydrochloric acid is not strong enough to perform its function. Weak digestive juices slow down the digestive process and even inhibit the proper breakdown of proteins causing foods to become toxic due to poor digestion. Foods that do not digest properly tend to ferment or even decompose and putrefy and instead of being a source of nutrients, it becomes a source of poisonous toxins and disease. To avoid acid stomach issues, we need to maintain strong acid function in the stomach. Water is crucial in the digestive process, but only at the right time. All digestive juices contain just the right amount of water when produced by the cells that create them. But when diluted by drinking water with our meals, these juices become ineffective for efficient digestion.
Hydrochlorich Acid alone is not enough to break down all foods. Fats tend to float over most liquids. The Liver produces Bile and it's stored in the gallbladder to be used when needed. It mixes fats into the digestive chime mixture for proper absorption. There are also various digestive enzymes that aid the digestive process by speeding up the breakdown of foods. All these different digestive compounds need to be present in their native strength in order to properly carry out the function they were designed for. When the body is properly hydrated all the hormones and chemicals are at the right water-base ratios.
Here is a good spot to mention something most people ignore or not even be aware of. Our digestive system is a zoological habitat for trillions of microorganisms that are vital to our health. This microbiome is essential for digestive health by aiding digestion, manufacturing nutrients, protecting against food-borne pathogens, and even playing a role in regulating body weight. The gut flora creates enzymes that help break down foods during digestion. This micro-ecosystem needs to be maintained very carefully as we would with our most precious garden. These microorganisms can be easily wiped out with a poor diet. It is vital that this flora be kept hydrated by drinking plenty of water. Processed foods of any kind weaken the gut flora. Meats and animal foods are toxic to gut flora because it takes a long time to digest meats. Antibiotic medications kill off gut flora. These microorganisms feed on natural foods. Fresh fruits and vegetables that are high in fiber are ideal foods for these essential microorganisms.
The skin is maintained at optimum healthy levels when it is well hydrated as well as externally clean. Dry skin can be a sign of dehydration, which will also cause premature wrinkling. The skin has pores with sweat glands that secrete sweat with minerals such as salt and certain toxins. If these fluids are not replenished the body can easily succumb to dehydration. The skin needs to be clean so that the sweat and toxins are not inadvertently reabsorbed into the body. Drinking water throughout the day keeps the body functioning the way it was designed to function. The skin is one of the many organs that play a major role in the health of the body. It regulates the body temperature when it gets too hot by opening its pores and allowing blood to circulate close to the skin surface, creating a cooling effect and bringing down the temperature of the blood. When that does not suffice, it secretes sweat. As the sweat evaporates it cools the skin even further. It is the same process as air conditioners. For these processes to be effective, the body must have plenty of water in its reserve.
The joints between our bones are biological hinges that need to swivel and move back and forth. These joints contain cartilage, which is made up of about 80% water. This water is needed for proper joint lubrication. Without sufficient water, it will reduce the shock absorption properties of the joints and will cause joint pain and friction which may lead to osteoarthritis.
The brain is the command center of the body. It monitors the body by sending and receiving signals to and from all parts of the body. This is accomplished via neurotransmitters inside each nerve cell. These nerve cells must be flushed with water and electrolytes for proper signal transmission. The brain is composed of about 85% water. So, it is extremely important to keep hydrated for proper brain function. Water enables the brain to have optimum short-term memory. The brain is also very active during sleep. Drinking a glass of water before bedtime is a good habit to form.
Water is not only needed internally, but it also plays a major role in our hygiene, which lowers the risk of illnesses due to disease transmission. Today, water is abundant in many places in the world, however, not everyone has access to this abundant commodity. Water is a gift from God, and we should treat it as such. Bathing and washing promote health in that it cleanses the skin from toxins secreted from the pores of our skin. However, bear in mind that excessive bathing and washing can also be detrimental in that it will remove healthy oils and bacteria from our skin making it itchy and dry. Bad bacteria and germs will enter exposed cracked skin due to dryness causing unnecessary infections. Everyone's body type is different. Those who have naturally oily skin and tend to sweat frequently may benefit from bathing every day, but those who have naturally dry skin may consider bathing two or three times a week depending on their daily activities. Bathing after a rigorous workout is always recommended. But a person who has dry skin and is not very active during the day may be better off bathing less often. Also, be aware, the way that the body’s immune system is strengthened is by exposing it to various and diverse bacteria which promotes immunity to the bacteria it has encountered. A sterile environment promotes a weak immune system, and any simple disease can be life-threatening. Hygiene is important, but we must also allow the body to coat itself with its protective skin oils which repel potentially dangerous elements that are constantly present in the air and the things we contact.